Our Ministries
Discover a true and rich relationship with Jesus through solid biblical teaching. Discover God's word for all our lives. Experience God's grace, grow in unity with other believers and realize your true purpose in the kingdom.

Sunday Mornings | 10:30A
Join us Sunday Mornings for a time of fellowship, worship and teaching of God's word.
Wednesday Nights | 6:30P
Join us on Wednesday Nights as we engage in biblical discussion, life reflection and prayer.

NCC Children | Sundays 10:30A
We love children, and we love teaching children about God and having a whole lot of fun while doing it.
We provide Children's ministry for 3 age groups:
• Nursery (Infant to 3yr)
• Preschool (3yr to 5yr)
• Grade School (1st - 6th grade)

NCC Youth | Sundays 5-7:00P
An fun engaging time with youth aged children to learn and grow in faith with their peers.

Sunday Night Studies | 5-7:00P
Join in with us in honest discussion and teaching from a biblical viewpoint every sunday night. We will have a different subject to explore together every 6 weeks.
Starting Feb. 18 we will be discussing False Religions.

NCC Young Adults | (Tuesdays) 6:30P
A small-group time of fellowship, teaching and conversation for College aged young adults. (Held twice a month)